Transportability Analysis

Transportability is the inherent capability of material and units to be moved efficiently by existing or planned transportation assets. Transportability engineering begins in the concept stages and continues throughout the procurement. Transportability approval is often recommended prior to engineering and manufacturing development to assure the item is suitable to be rapidly transported. Wenzlau Engineering provides analysis associated with the basic requirements necessary to design and test equipment for various modes of transportation. We utilize design criteria that apply to land, sea, and air transport.

Properly applied transportability engineering is essential to the deployment of equipment. An item of equipment is of little value if it cannot be transported rapidly and efficiently to where it is needed. Wenzlau Engineering provides various types of analysis and testing to assure ease of transportability.

A typical analysis will provide insight into the transport modes and limitations. Transportability requirements will be determined and specifications developed. The effort typically includes transportability design and a well developed plan related to the various aspects of transportability approval.

Wenzlau Engineering | 2950 East Harcourt Street, Rancho Dominguez, California 90221 | Ph. 310.604.3400

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